
(none) Matched route

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /app-ads.txt
# Route name Path Log
1 _preview_error /_error/{code}.{_format} Path does not match
2 2fa_login /2fa Path does not match
3 2fa_login_check /2fa_check Path does not match
4 _wdt /_wdt/{token} Path does not match
5 _profiler_home /_profiler/ Path does not match
6 _profiler_search /_profiler/search Path does not match
7 _profiler_search_bar /_profiler/search_bar Path does not match
8 _profiler_phpinfo /_profiler/phpinfo Path does not match
9 _profiler_search_results /_profiler/{token}/search/results Path does not match
10 _profiler_open_file /_profiler/open Path does not match
11 _profiler /_profiler/{token} Path does not match
12 _profiler_router /_profiler/{token}/router Path does not match
13 _profiler_exception /_profiler/{token}/exception Path does not match
14 _profiler_exception_css /_profiler/{token}/exception.css Path does not match
15 admin_dashboard /dashboard Path does not match
16 en_attente_paiement /en_attente_paiement Path does not match
17 consultationCompleted /termines Path does not match
18 approve_consultation_payment /consultation/approve/{id} Path does not match
19 send_new_link /consultation/newlink/{id} Path does not match
20 manage_administrators /administrateurs Path does not match
21 manage_patients /patients Path does not match
22 edit_administrator /administrateurs/{id} Path does not match
23 add_administrator /administrateur/new Path does not match
24 delete_administrator /administrateur/{id} Path does not match
25 manage_pm /medical_staff Path does not match
26 manage_clinique /clinique Path does not match
27 manage_canceled_consultations /annulees Path does not match
28 refunded_consultation_payment /consultation/refunded/{id} Path does not match
29 activate_pm /activate_medical_staff/{id} Path does not match
30 edit_pm /personnel_medical/edit/{id} Path does not match
31 api_login_check /api/login_check Path does not match
32 clinical_dashboard /dashboard Path does not match
33 consultations_clinic /consultations Path does not match
34 prescription_submit_clinic /consultation/prescription/{id} Path does not match
35 end_the_consultation_clinic /consultation/end/{id} Path does not match
36 request_additional_analysis /consultation/request_additional_analysis/{id} Path does not match
37 assess_the_patient /consultation/assess_the_patient/{id} Path does not match
38 edit_clinic /clinical/edit/{id} Path does not match
39 index / Path does not match
40 devenir_professionnelle /devenir_professionnelle Path does not match
41 contact /contact Path does not match
42 equipe /equipe Path does not match
43 faq /faq Path does not match
44 nos-services-patient /nos-services-patient Path does not match
45 nos-services-pro /nos-services-pro Path does not match
46 nos-services-etablissement /nos-services-etablissement Path does not match
47 nos-services-pharmacie /nos-services-pharmacie Path does not match
48 nos-services-entreprise /nos-services-entreprise Path does not match
49 nos-services-famille /nos-services-famille Path does not match
50 conditions_utilisation /conditions-utilisation Path does not match
51 politique_confidentialite /politique-confidentialite Path does not match
52 devenir_professionnel_clinique /devenir-professionnel-clinique Path does not match
53 conditions_generales /conditions-generales Path does not match
54 test_envoi_mail /test_envoi_mail Path does not match
55 how_it_works /comment-ca-marche Path does not match
56 verification_email /verification-email Path does not match
57 send_contact /send-contact Path does not match
58 reset_password_request /mot-de-passe-oublie Path does not match
59 reset_pass /mot-de-passe-oublie/{token} Path does not match
60 get_visio_link /get_visio_link Path does not match
61 app_register_medical_staff /inscription Path does not match
62 app_register_clinic /inscription/clinique Path does not match
63 personal_staff_dashboard /dashboard Path does not match
64 accept_consultation /consultation/{id} Path does not match
65 prescription_submit /consultation/prescription/{id} Path does not match
66 end_the_consultation /consultation/end/{id} Path does not match
67 e_docs_personal_staff_dashboard /e-docs Path does not match
68 request_additional_analysis_medical /consultation/request_additional_analysis/{id} Path does not match
69 consultations /consultations Path does not match
70 edit_medical_staff /personnel_medical/edit/{id} Path does not match
71 add_hour_activity /add_hour_activity/{id} Path does not match
72 add_day_hour_activity /add_day_hour_activity/{id} Path does not match
73 hour_activity /hour_activity Path does not match
74 medecin_comment_consultation /consultation/medecin/comment/{id} Path does not match
75 medecin_reject_consultation /consultation/reject/{id} Path does not match
76 app_medicalstaff_index_getuserinformations /api/get_doctor_informations Path does not match
77 app_medicalstaff_index_retrievethelastconsultationtocome /api/retrieve_doctor_the_last_consultation_to_come Path does not match
78 app_medicalstaff_index_retrieveallconsultationinpprogress /api/retrieve_doctor_all_consultation_in_progress Path does not match
79 app_medicalstaff_index_retrieveallconsultationcompleted /api/retrieve_doctor_all_consultation_completed Path does not match
80 app_medicalstaff_index_retrieveallconsultationcanceled /api/retrieve_doctor_all_consultation_canceled Path does not match
81 app_medicalstaff_index_finishconsultation /api/finish_consultation Path does not match
82 app_medicalstaff_index_commentpatientbydoctor /api/comment_patient_by_doctor Path does not match
83 app_medicalstaff_index_changedoctorpicture /api/change_doctor_picture Path does not match
84 app_medicalstaff_index_uploadordonnance /api/upload_ordonnance Path does not match
85 app_medicalstaff_index_changeinformations /api/change_doctor_informations Path does not match
86 app_medicalstaff_index_changepassword /api/change_doctor_password Path does not match
87 app_medicalstaff_index_updatefcmtoken /api/update_fcm_token Path does not match
88 app_medicalstaff_index_checkemailifexistapi /api/check_email_doctor_if_exist Path does not match
89 app_medicalstaff_index_savedoctortokenfcm /api/save_doctor_token_fcm Path does not match
90 app_medicalstaff_index_setavailabilityhours /api/save_availability_hours Path does not match
91 app_medicalstaff_index_getavailabilityhours /api/get_availability_hours Path does not match
92 app_medicalstaff_index_registrationmedicalstaffapi /api/registration_doctor Path does not match
93 app_medicalstaff_index_checkemailregistrationcodeapi /api/check_doctor_email_registration_code_exist Path does not match
94 app_medicalstaff_index_doctormotdepasseoublie /api/doctor_mot_de_passe_oublie Path does not match
95 app_medicalstaff_index_resetpasswordapifordoctor /api/doctor_reset_password Path does not match
96 test /1 Path does not match
97 notifyUrlPayment /notify_url_payment/{transac_id}/{consultation_id} Path does not match
98 validConsultation /valid_consultation Path does not match
99 returnUrlPayment /return_url_payment/{transac_id} Path does not match
100 paiement /paiement/{id} Path does not match
101 consultation_request /consultation Path does not match
102 app_register_patient /inscription Path does not match
103 patient_dashboard /dashboard Path does not match
104 patient_comment_consultation /consultation/comment/{id} Path does not match
105 choix_medecin_consultation /consultation/medecin/{id} Path does not match
106 e_docs_patient_dashboard /e-docs Path does not match
107 exam_result /consultation/exam_result/{id} Path does not match
108 edit_patient /patient/edit/{id} Path does not match
109 patient_canceled_consultation /consultation/canceled/{id} Path does not match
110 patient_send_paymentId /sendIdPayment/{consultationIdPayment} Path does not match
111 app_patient_index_getuserinformations /api/get_user_informations Path does not match
112 app_patient_index_getdoctorinformations /api/get_doctor_informations/{id} Path does not match
113 retrieve_the_last_consultation_to_come /api/retrieve_the_last_consultation_to_come Path does not match
114 app_patient_index_retrieveallconsultationinpprogress /api/retrieve_all_consultation_in_progress Path does not match
115 app_patient_index_retrieveallconsultationcompleted /api/retrieve_all_consultation_completed Path does not match
116 app_patient_index_retrieveallconsultationcanceled /api/retrieve_all_consultation_canceled Path does not match
117 app_patient_index_getallmedecins /api/get_all_medecins Path does not match
118 app_patient_index_getdoctorsavailable /api/get_doctors_available Path does not match
119 app_patient_index_consultationstore /api/store_consultation Path does not match
120 app_patient_index_notifyurlpaymentapi /api/notify_url_payment/{transac_id}/{consultation_id} Path does not match
121 app_patient_index_confirmpaymentconsultationapi /api/confirm_payment_consultation Path does not match
122 app_patient_index_checkemailifexistapi /api/check_email_if_exist Path does not match
123 app_patient_index_checkpatientphonenumberifexist /api/check_patient_phone_number_if_exist Path does not match
124 app_patient_index_checkemailregistrationcodeapi /api/check_email_registration_code_exist Path does not match
125 app_patient_index_registrationpatientapi /api/registration_patient Path does not match
126 app_patient_index_changepassword /api/change_password Path does not match
127 app_patient_index_savetokenfcm /api/save_token_fcm Path does not match
128 app_patient_index_changeinformations /api/change_informations Path does not match
129 app_patient_index_changepatientpicture /api/change_patient_picture Path does not match
130 app_patient_index_commentdoctorbypatient /api/comment_doctor_by_patient Path does not match
131 app_patient_index_getspecialitydetail /api/get_speciality_detail/{id} Path does not match
132 app_patient_index_sendsms /api/sms Path does not match
133 app_patient_index_resendsendsms /api/resend_sms Path does not match
134 code_verification /code_verification/{id} Path does not match
135 app_patient_index_resetpasswordapiforpatient /api/reset_password Path does not match
136 app_patient_index_motdepasseoublie /api/mot_de_passe_oublie Path does not match
137 app_patient_index_addfamilymember /api/save_family_member Path does not match
138 app_patient_index_removefamilymember /api/remove_family_member/{id} Path does not match
139 app_patient_index_getfamilymembers /api/get_family_members Path does not match
140 app_patient_index_getfamilymember /api/get_family_member Path does not match
141 app_patient_index_checkpatientphonenumberifvalidate /api/check_patient_phone_number_validate Path does not match
142 app_patient_index_checkphoneregistrationcodeapi /api/check_phone_registration_code_exact Path does not match
143 app_register /register Path does not match
144 app_verify_email /verify/email Path does not match
145 patient_information /informations-personnelles Path does not match
146 login /login Path does not match
147 resend_code_2fa /resend/code Path does not match
148 logout /logout Path does not match
149 api_pro_login_check /apipro/login_check Path does not match

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.